Saturday, 9 November 2013

RIGHTS?...................................CHILDREN DO HAVE THEM

It is worthy to educate/enlighten the general public on the rights of every child, enlightenment is superior to enforcement.

The child right Act 2003 made proviso for the right of every child in Nigeria.

A child for the purpose of this discussion and under the act is anybody under the age of 18years. 

99.9% of parents treats and protect the interest of their child (ren) but what happens to that child that lives with them.

It is no longer news that most average families in Nigeria have a child living with them often referred to as ‘maid’ that helps in house chores and taking care of their own child.

The question now is that are those ‘maids’ children too? Do they have a right protected under the Child Rights Act 2003?

The answer is not farfetched, many custodians are ignorant of the right protected under the child’s right act and these rights are as follows;

(i)                  No Nigerian child shall be subjected to physical, mental or emotional injury, abuse or neglect.
(ii)                The dignity of the child shall be respected at all times.
(iii)               Freedom from discrimination on the ground of belonging to a particular community or ethnic group, place of origin, sex, religion or circumstances of his birth.
(iv)              Making tattoos or mark and female genital mutilation are punishable offences under the act.
(v)                Child trafficking ,abduction and forced exploitative labour are stated to be offences
(vi)              Betrothal and marriage of children are prohibited.
(vii)             Every parent or guardian having legal custody of a child under the age of 2 years shall ensure its immunization against diseases of fake judicial penalties.

Anyone found guilty of any of the above mentioned rights will face judicial penalties because those rights are enforceable.

Am sure some women will say ‘thank God my maid is from Togo, i do not have problem, i am sorry to disappoint you, the definition of who a child is doesn’t change from Asia,  Europe, America, Africa   and to those men whose wives have maids you are as liable as your wife as provided in section 340 of the criminal code any husband or wife of an offender who is guilty of endangering the life of servants will equally be guilty and it is also aiding and abetting.

My advise goes to women, if we must have maids lets endeavor to put them in government public schools where we cannot afford a private school for them, this will not only put us on the positive side of law, we’ll be greatly rewarded by God Almighty.


Oyenike Alliyu-Adebiyi Llb(hons) Bl


  1. I hope so wicked custodians learn from this, thanks Nike

  2. @ nikky.. i am yet to see a person been punished for Tattoos, Some of them even have marks or tribal marks as their tradition. Having said that, For most parents our children are everything to us: our hopes, our ambitions, our future. But sadly, some children are not so fortunate. Some children’s lives are different. Dreadfully different. Instead of the joy, warmth and security of normal family life, these children’s lives are filled with risk, fear, and danger: and from what most of us would regard as the worst possible source Every child should be treated equally regardless of their background. #Made omos

  3. Thanks Made
    Tattoos: This mostly done by adults where an adult make tattoo for a child such adult will be guilty, a child is any person under the age of 18 years

    Tribal marks: you are most like not going to see tribal marks on children born after year 2003 when the law was enacted, people in rural areas were adequately educated on the provision of law regarding tribal marks, so I want to tell you categorically that it is fading away if not totally out of our system.


  4. Yes o my lord, I concur who I'm I to agrue with a lawyer. I rest my case #made

  5. Tell GOD u just told them, another thing is ignorant. People don't read again. Even if they have, they visit blog that we not educate them but its always full of gossip. I pity them, thanks Barr Oyenike for we ar pround of u.
