Saturday, 16 November 2013


The era of lazy journalism has damaged a lot of people’s reputation. The quest to make money and become famous over night as a writer, soft sell magazine publishers, face book journalism and blog lords has broken a lot of relationships/homes, left a lot of ladies and guys single or divorced.

There’s no point going for deliverance in churches and mosque ,all you need to do is enforce your right against whoever publish or say any defamatory statements that is capable of tarnishing your image and before you know it you will get judgment and reputation restored.

The law made provision for restoration of maliciously tarnished images by another, under the law defamation occupies a prominent place in the Nigerian law as it does in the law of other common law countries.

What is defamation?

Section 373 of the criminal code defines defamatory statement as one which tends to lower the plaintiff in the estimation of right thinking members of the society or expose him to hatred, contempt of ridicule or cause to other person to shun or avoid him.

Defamation is of two categories which are Libel and Slander.

Libel is defamation in the permanent form, the most common being which is written or printed in permanent form i.e. Magazines

Slander is defamation in transient form most often during the medium of spoken words. This does not include ‘YOU ARE A FOOL’ ‘BASTARD’
Where any of these two happen, as a private person or public person you have the right to sue the tortfeasor in both civil and criminal action for which the law provides a legal right to seek relief.

Section 375 of the criminal code provide penalty for anyone who publish defamatory statement with a term of imprisonment. It is not unknown in Nigeria that some journalists publish defamatory statements in order to extort the person the publication is directed to, where this happen such person shall be guilty of a term of imprisonment as provided in section 376 of the criminal code.

As a public or private person, it is time to say NO to defamatory statements.

The service of a lawyer is required in enforcement  of these rights against the offender.

Thank you.

Oyenike Alliyu-Adebiyi Llb(hons)Bl


  1. Brief but detailed keep it up babes

  2. Are satire/spoof news websites immune from being sued for defamation ? Check out in USA for example. They write a lot of stuffs about Barack Obama and other public figures in a ridiculous manner and they get away with it. So is there a provision which protects Satire/Spoof News Websites ? If yes... does it apply in Nigeria too ?

  3. Anonymous 2:10 They are not immune from being sued for defamation both in Nigeria and in United State, in united state for instance as decided in the famous case of John Peter Zenger 1734 which established a precedent that truth is an absolute defence against charges of libel. Also in New York Times v Sulivan in 1964 where it was stated that public officers in united state can win libel cases if they can prove beyond reasonable doubt the media in question knew the information was wholly and patently false and still went ahead to write or say it. It was the inability of most public officers in US to prove this that left most of the defamatory statements unchallenged.
    This is also applicable in Nigeria as decided in the case of Mrs Eva Anike Akomolafe & anor V guardian press limited & 3 ors and in VM Iloabachie esq V Benedict N
    Thank you

    1. Ok thank you for your reply.
