Tuesday, 10 December 2013


An undergraduate of sociology, Benue State University, Benue Nigeria Jacob Alongo was arraigned before Makurdi High court, he was charged on two counts charge of conspiracy and robbery.

Jacob conspired with two others to rob Mr. Stephen Akuma of his Toyota Camry and he was said to have robbed other people at gun point. He was also alleged for robbing not less than fifteen (15) people at the judges’ quarters in the state.

Jacob pleaded not guilty to the charges against him, he testified for himself and with one witness called by his counsel.

The prosecution called seven witnesses and they all tendered evidence to corroborate the charges against him.

He was sentenced to death by hanging.

What is capital punishment?
Capital punishment is simply described as death sentence, which is total execution of the offender. Offences which attracts death penalty in Nigeria are Armed Robbery, Murder, Treason, conspiracy to Treason, Fabricating false evidence against another leading to that person’s conviction, kidnapping (Edo state), Aiding suicide of a lunatic or a child, offences that contravenes the Armed Robbery and Fire Arms decree No. 5 of 1984

The mode of executing death sentence according to section 367 of the criminal procedure Act, the punishment of death is inflicted by hanging the offenders by the neck till he be dead.

In case where the offender is a woman and pregnant at the time of execution, the law provide under section 368(2) of the criminal procedure Act that the sentence of death shall not be passed on her but in lieu thereof shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life, the justification for this is because there are two people if not more in this instance and the unborn child deserve to live and neither was the child in any way connected with the offence.

Where the offender is a young person, a young person for this purpose is any person who has not attained the age of 17years at the time the offence was committed , death sentence shall not be pronounced or recorded against the child but such person shall be detained during the pressure of the president.

There has been outcry by the citizens on the need to expunge capital punishment from our law because the essence of inflicting punishment on an offender and prospective offender is for the punishment to serve as deterrent to them, and where an offender is killed, how do you expect him to learn from the mistake.
Therefore I say NO to capital punishment, what is your take on this as this blog visitor, lend your voice against or in support of capital punishment.
Let us hear from you.
Thank you.

Oyenike Alliyu-Adebiyi Llb(hons)BL

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