Monday, 28 October 2013


The attitude of medical practitioners and supports staffs in most hospitals and health centres is unprofessional and contrary to the ethics of that profession. It is common place in Nigeria to hear of hospitals where medical professionals are rude to patients neither do they provide quick medical attention expected of them. The basic obligation of any health professional is to listen calmly, carefully, respectful and trustworthy to their patients.

Their conduct fall short of international standard and must be properly addressed and adequate punishment for any medical practitioner that fall below standard because this has lead to untimely death of some innocent patients.

The medical and dental council of Nigeria’s code of medical ethics requires doctors to preserve life whenever possible, to hold in confidence communications with patients, to put professionalism above profit making and personal interest must not at anytime conflict with their job.

The medical and dental practitioner has a disciplinary committee that is charged with the duty of considering and determining any case which engages the attention of the tribunal, any medical or dental practitioner found guilty shall be punished accordingly.

Medico-legal issues are less common in countries like Nigeria unlike other western countries because patients are not properly educated of their rights against medical practitioner. 

The National Health Bill includes right to emergency care, information about treatment and confidentiality but this is not strictly adhered to because there’s no adequate awareness to that effect neither do people know that they have a right to enforce their right and adequately compensated when need arise, it is the right of every patient to seek legal action when necessary against any officer that fall sort of the code of conduct and ethics of medical practitioner.

Oyenike Alliyu-Adebiyi LLB(hons)BL


  1. Thanks Nike, most of us don't know our rights be believe they are doing us favor,the most annoying thing is that nurses put up nasty attitudes that atimes one would want to fight with them

  2. This is a pronblem that needs urgent attention\solution

  3. Anonymous 03:53 I agree with you,thanks to Nike for educating us on the fact that we have a right under law against medical practitioner, I must say thank you Nike this is a brilliant idea,i never knew someone like you could do this, the impression I have about you is that you love wearing designers

  4. Anonymous 03:53 I agree with you,thanks to Nike for educating us on the fact that we have a right under law against medical practitioner, I must say thank you Nike this is a brilliant idea,i never knew someone like you could do this, the impression I have about you is that you love wearing designers

  5. Well Said legal luminary,but most Nigerians are ignorant of this,we need sensitisation and that is what u re doin,well done dear.

  6. www.oyenikealliyu-adebiyi.blogspot.com30 October 2013 at 12:40

    Anonymous 11:46 thanks

  7. www.oyenikealliyu-adebiyi.blogspot.com30 October 2013 at 12:40

    Anonymous 11:46 thanks
