There is this rumor everywhere that the fast growing online
retailers in Nigeria are at war over cyber squatting rights, it was gathered
that JUMAI has hijacked all the look alike names KONGA might want to use in the
nearest future, they used its business name and added few names, this is most
likely going to send a wrong signal to its prospective clients that they are
dealing with KONGA .
Aside this fact they will not be able to use their business
name where they intend to open an online shop in the affected countries.
This is called cyber or domain squatting, it is the use, registering
of a domain name that belong to another with the intent to make profit from the
good will of a trademark belonging to someone else, one of the effect this
usually have on the affected company or individual domain name is that when
they intend to use the names the cyber squatters then offer to sell to them at
an inflated price because the name has already been registered.
if you must do anything make sure you do it well, regstration of its business name under Trademark is an added advantage to pursue the case against a squatter to get one's domain name back.
The law governing cybersquating in the United State of
America is the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act.
Cyber squatting is an illegal act and also a trademark infringement
that is frown at,it is as good as registering a name that is likely to confuse or
defraud customers of the rightful owner of a name,.
Take this company law famous case in Nigeria, NIGER CHEMIST
V. NIGERIA CHEMIST where it was held
that the name is very close and can confuse outsiders to think they are dealing
with the same company, it was decided in this case that the party that first
registered the name should retain it while the other should drop the name. This
is one of several advantages of registration; we help in registration of
companies, varying from Private, Public, Companies limited by guarantee etc.
The remedy available to KONGA in this case is to proof
beyond reasonable doubt that JUMAI squat their business in bad faith, this can
simply be proved by stating they are their major competitor in Nigeria and their
domain me will revert back to them without having to pay so much as this has
happened to a lot of celebrities in the past, celebrities like Madonna, Julia Robert’s
names were hijacked but they were able to get their domain name because the man
who used their names claim he did to get their attentions in other to get them
to read a document he has written on rain forest and then use their status to
shed light on the situation.
They can also follow the laid down procedures by the Uniform
Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDP), this can also be handled by us if
your domain name has been hijacked based on our experience in the area of
internet and intellectual property.
Thank you.
Oyenike Alliyu-ADEBIYI LLB(hons)BL
Wow! I think I might be a victim of something close. Thank you for shedding more light. I wldlove to register my domain under trademark like you mentioned.